Hey, it’s your wingman Dean Cortez. I’ve got a BADASS free report for you today, from my good buddy Dave M.
In this secret report, you’ll learn EXACTLY (step-by-step) how Dave met this smoking hot bubble-butt babe on a popular internet dating site…and CHARMED and SEDUCED her with a few simple emails and brief online chats.
(He got this girl to come over to his place FAST…and she rocked his world. Not bad, huh?)
This report gives you ACTUAL EMAILS AND CHAT LINES you can use, too, to pick up endless hot girls online. And you can use this info immediately!
Dave M. is a “mad genius” when it comes to internet dating. He’s helped THOUSANDS of guys to become amazingly successful with meeting girls (and hooking up with them) online.
When you use Dave’s simple copy-and-paste tricks, hooking up on internet dating sites becomes drop-dead easy because he gives you actual emails (and responses to HER emails) that are proven to grab a girl’s attention and practically FORCE her to respond in a positive way.
Then, Dave gives you teasing & flirting tactics for chatting with her and building her interest and excitement until she’s EAGER to meet up with you.
In other words, if you know how to copy-and-paste a message and send it, you can get LAID whenever you want!
Dave’s methods take all of the guesswork out of the equation. And you don’t need to worry about getting rejected or ignored, because like I said, every line and email Dave gives you has been tested on THOUSANDS of women and proven to work!
Well, Dave has been toiling away in his lab for months on a NEW cutting-edge tool for meeting tons of hot girls online. (I haven’t heard from the dude in ages, because he’s been so busy slaving away on this…)
I contacted him on Skype yesterday, to ask how things are going, and I was psyched when he said he would give my subscribers (this means YOU) a “sneak preview” of what he’s been working on…
And I gotta say, this thing is INSANE. I can’t wait to start using it myself!
Dave sent me a “confidential report” that explains how it works, and in it, you’ll also get a bunch of extremely powerful tips (and super-sneaky tactics) for picking up endless hot women online, by using brain-dead simple copy-and-paste methods:
My advice? Start using this information RIGHT NOW before a million guys get their hands on it. This is about to BLOW UP!
Download it now and check it out!
Your Wingman,